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[Season 28] [Click on the Covers to download .PDF]
[7Z] The Cosmic Plot of Doctor Hu
Cosmic Plot of Doctor Hu
Written by: Misha Lauenstein

Tamara Scott has been invited to a party - a strange party - by a man she's never met. He promises a weekend of fun, games and food. It seems like a good idea at the time, but Tamara soon comes to realize that the party's benefactor, the mysterious Dr. Hu, may have some secrets that he wants to keep hidden.

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000 

[8A] Black Magic
Black Magic
Written by: Jodie van de Wetering

A massive psychic disturbance lures the Doctor and Tamara to Haiti, 1965 - a land where Voodoo and Christianity have always vied for human souls, but never like this.... Alien technology is lurking in torch lit subterranean temples, and the ancient Voodoo Gods have suddenly become very real - and very hungry. The Doctor sets off in search of demons while a holiday-seeking Tamara finds herself witness to the resurrection of a murdered woman, and the arrival of mysterious beings with an agenda of their own...

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000 

[8B] Vendetta
Written by: Rebecca Dowgiert

The Doctor and Tamara race against time to save a ship infected with an ancient alien nano-virus that could destroy an entire solar system.

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000

[8C] Silver Plague
Written by: James Margitch

On a human colony planet where magic is just part of everyday life, something stirs beneath the ground. The Doctor and Tamara have found that one of the most feared races in the cosmos isn't quite as beaten as everyone thought, and only the Doctor knows for sure how to defeat them. But what if the Doctor has it all wrong?

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000 

[8D] The Darkest Day
Written by: Matt Grady and Tim Jones

Deep in the forests of Ontario, Canada's Sunset Country, the Doctor and Tamara come across a high security hospital. A short-lived vacation is the least of their troubles: mysterious experiments with alien fungi, residential rooms lit with moonlight by day and patients passing through walls like ghosts. Tamara is left to uncover the truth behind these strange events when the Doctor disappears off the face of the Earth.

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000 

[8E] Escape Pod [1 of 2]
Written by: Misha Lauenstein

A crashed alien spaceship has piqued the Doctor's interest, but he is not the only one who wants a look inside. The planet's inhabitants have found the alien bodies to contain technology that they want to incorporate into their own society. But, just as the Doctor manages to get himself involved, The Mercury Mining Corporation claims ownership of the stolen vessel, and orders the salvage operation stopped. Who has the valid claim on the ship? And will the question be meaningless if the aliens who stole the ship arrive to get it back.

This is the first of a two-part story which concludes with 'Plan 8 of The Daleks'

This story was originally featured in the Season 28 Omnibus published May 2000 

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